I have been shooting many photos lately. Holidays, landscapes, few people and a dog! Yet, I kind of miss taking my usual pictures. Artsy-abstract-images of unreal momentums. Maybe it is because of the weather that keeps changing like a psycho wheel, maybe is just because I can't find any inspiration here in my ol-lil-medieval-town-where-nathing-ever-happens, the utlimate thing is that those photos aren't appearing! Desperate I decided to go to a friend of mine exhibition. Not a photos, sculptures or painting exhibit btu a handmade objects. Fabric, knitting and every other thing usually I don't really care about. Not usually, I really do not care about those type of works. But I decided to go anyway. Friends are friends. I had my camera in the car and I knew I wouldn't use it. I was wrong! The colors, the fabric, the location (a greenhouse of a local flower shop) made me change my mind! So many details! I even bought some stuff...what's wrong with me???? Ah AH AH ! Anyway...good job!