It's 8 PM and, believe it or not, we've just finished to eat right now. And I mean we've just finished lunch! I woke up a little disoriented this morning since there was no more lake to look at. Just an empty city with 3 medieval castles! But this wasn't as bad as realizing that I had no coffee at my place. "No Problem!" I said to myself. I just have to go down the stairs and I can get coffee at the office (lucky me to live above my office!!). The really bad news was that...espresso capsules were nowhere to be found. I did the only thing I had to do...try out a different capsule: the long-nasty-pseudo german-coffee! Nothing could have been worse than this decision! But I needed caffeine! I walked back upstairs with my mug, sat down in front of the window, flipping through the pages of an old architecture magazine before throwing it away. New year, new life, some order in the apartment and in my life. A new year full of good intentions. Love my work more, be nice to people and that means "Lily be less direct and do not say anymore the aweful truth about what you really think of...sometimes it hurts". A morning of reflection, of good and serious intentions. And then get ready to cook since my friend Aris would come for lunch (Roastbeef, roasted potatoes in goat butter, no wine at all since we had already too much this past weeks!).
So, I started looking at the magazine, and wondering how to make the most out of this new year: be nice! Be more respectful! Have a healthier life (less party!)! And so on!
But then, with all the effort I could put I seriously doubt that in life you can put up a wall of illusions(why did I open this magazine in the first place!): let's not be ridiculous. If you are stupid you are stupid! How can I tell you otherwise??? No! It's a new nice!!!
Yes! I betcha!! I wish life was just that! But more than a theater of wonders this past year has been a circus-of-wondering-what-tha-heck-is-happening to this world and to my world!!!
Thank goodness I quickly turned the page to find this one that really appeals to me: enjoy the little things in life, even those that for some are stupid. Photos, family few friends and maybe even work...screw averything and everybody else!!!
Because seriously, if people are those who you can play like toys with absolutely no personality that just do what you want them to do well, I prefer not to have such characters in my life anymore...but, as Aris says "they are good to order and bring you the Prosecco while you sit relaxing at the lounge!!!" (he is even more evil than I am!!!
Days pass by very fast, every minute counts... just make the best out of every one of them and of every person that jumps into the train of your life...with all the good intentions...and you have no problem whatsoever since the train is yours and you can kick them out of the door when the speed limit is beyond acceptable!
I hope this year is going to be fantastic! Like the lunch we had and that just finished...remember? The one with no wine at all? We had a bottle of Baron de Rotschild that was incredible!! And couple of hours ago we prepared an apple pie that we forgot in the oven...because we were too busy putting up a list of stupid people of our little creepy town with 3 medieval castles...but all with very good intentions!!!!!