Inhabiting Art

This is, no doubt, one of the best art/architecture installation I've seen at the Biennale this year. To be honest I have to admit that it is one of the best installation I've ever seen...period! This fantastic work was created by the argentinian artist Tomas Saraceno with the title "Galaxies Forming along Filaments, like Droplets along the Strand of a Spider's Web".
This is what I want from art/architecture. The ability to be part of it. The chance to be part of its meaning. To be one additional detail that can add value to it. Art that is speaking to us. And we, consciously or not, interact with it. With our feeling, with our imagination, with our secret thought!
There was a moment, inside the exhibition space that a strong feeling of being catapultedd inside a virtual space crossed my mind. It felt as if those lines where just in your imagination. Yet, the same feeling, crossed my mind even when I downloaded the images. Looking at them on my pc, felt like a montage, reality vs. virtual. Inserting people in a virtual space to give depth to it. To make it alive. But, in fact, we, the visitors, made this possible. We made it alive. We were inhabiting art. Art gave us a temporary shelter! Photos by lilypenelope


Which Venice?


Two cities. Two floating cities. One linear. One in the form of a fish. Is one becoming the shadow of the other? Or are they both in fact one entity? Photo by lilypenelope

Art and Places

This is the first post on the very interesting art I was able to see at the Venice Biennale. It's actually more about the art I was able to feel that I will talk about.What is art in the end? Just a mere representation hanging on a wall? Or a piece that, no matter where it's hanging, triggers, inside of us, a chain of reactions/feelings/memories and so forth.

These pieces are among several art creations I certainly enjoyed "reading". The Morocco's contribution for this year Art Biennale "Making Worlds".

Work by artist Fathiya Tahiri:

Work by artist Mahi Binebine:
A very important factor in any exhibition is the location. In this case, being able to enjoy this fantastic art in a church - Santa Maria della Pietà - added one more ingredient to the entire experience.

Between Reality and Non


Maybe the most typical photograph taken in Venice by... everybody!! I'm actually not only surprised that I took this picture but that, ultimately, looking at it from a distance, I'm surprised that I can't see the line. The line that divides reality from a postcard. Where has the "real" Venice gone? To Vegas? Photo by lilypenelope

History and Consumerism


A monument. A billboard. History. Of art, of architecture, of social trends. Past and present. The present hiding temporarily the past. Yet, tomorrow, even this present/presence will be history.
Photo by lilypenelope

Changing Color-{s} - 2

Boletus erythropus8

I've honestly never assisted to such a fast chromatic change. To such a combination of forms and details. Lines. Pores. The smell of it and of the surrounding environment. Nature never stops to amaze me! Photo by lilypenelope

Changing Color-{s}

Boletus erythropus4

From the whole into pieces. From yellow to Blue. Under the trees.
Photo by lilypenelope



The city. A theater. The Greeks called it "theatron" (θέατρον) "a place for seeing". A city, a place of representation. Actors and Spectators. A performance: Passion and Imagination. Projection. Perception. And, from above, the city is there. And we watch. But, if yesterday we were the actors, now it's her turn. She is our Spectacle. Photo by lilypenelope

The Praying Mantis - n°2-3/PM


Colors. Black and White. Movement(s). Coordination. Juxtaposition of images.
The Animal and The Images.
Photo by lilypenelope

The Praying Mantis - n°1/PM


The Praying Mantis. Staring at me. Staring at you. Photo by lilypenelope

A Flâneur's Rest


Resting. In the city. Admiring. The city. A new understanding.
Photo by lilypenelope

Historical Shadow

Historical Shadow

Walls. History. Shadows. Memory. My mind is travelling. In Space and Time.
Photo by lilypenelope

Shaking the Night

shaking the night

The castles. Bellinzona. Shaking the night! Photo by lilypenelope

Books and Imagination


Books. Writing and reading. Memory. Feelings. Senses. Smells. I have the habit to smell books before I buy them. I love their smell. My mind starts then wondering around, imagining an old writer, with ink and plume, sitting in a room, facing a lake, getting inspirations for a story. The smell of paper in her/his room. A cup of coffee on the side. a small bite to eat. Fog outside. Inside a soft music in the background. A, on top of everything, the smell of fresh ink, ready to create a geography of words on a blank paper.
There is so much about a book, that goes beyond its content and its cover. There is the story behind the story. And a subjectivized story...behind these juxtaposed multitude of other stories!
Photo by lilypenelope